Source code for mlrose.neural

""" Classes for defining neural network weight optimization problems."""

# Author: Genevieve Hayes
# License: BSD 3 clause

from abc import ABCMeta
from abc import abstractmethod

import numpy as np
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, ClassifierMixin, RegressorMixin
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error, log_loss
from sklearn.externals import six
from .activation import identity, relu, sigmoid, softmax, tanh
from .algorithms import random_hill_climb, simulated_annealing, genetic_alg
from .opt_probs import ContinuousOpt
from .decay import GeomDecay

def flatten_weights(weights):
    """Flatten list of weights arrays into a 1D array.

    weights: list of arrays
        List of 2D arrays for flattening.

    flat_weights: array
        1D weights array.
    flat_weights = []

    for i in range(len(weights)):
        flat_weights += list(weights[i].flatten())

    flat_weights = np.array(flat_weights)

    return flat_weights

def unflatten_weights(flat_weights, node_list):
    """Convert 1D weights array into list of 2D arrays.

    flat_weights: array
        1D weights array.

    node_list: list
        List giving the number of nodes in each layer of the network,
        including the input and output layers.

    weights: list of arrays
        List of 2D arrays created from flat_weights.
    nodes = 0
    for i in range(len(node_list) - 1):
        nodes += node_list[i]*node_list[i + 1]

    if len(flat_weights) != nodes:
        raise Exception("""flat_weights must have length %d""" % (nodes,))

    weights = []
    start = 0

    for i in range(len(node_list) - 1):
        end = start + node_list[i]*node_list[i + 1]
                                  [node_list[i], node_list[i+1]]))
        start = end

    return weights

def gradient_descent(problem, max_attempts=10, max_iters=np.inf,
                     init_state=None, curve=False, random_state=None):
    """Use gradient_descent to find the optimal neural network weights.

    problem: optimization object
        Object containing optimization problem to be solved.

    max_attempts: int, default: 10
        Maximum number of attempts to find a better state at each step.

    max_iters: int, default: np.inf
        Maximum number of iterations of the algorithm.

    init_state: array, default: None
        Numpy array containing starting state for algorithm.
        If None, then a random state is used.

    random_state: int, default: None
        If random_state is a positive integer, random_state is the seed used
        by np.random.seed(); otherwise, the random seed is not set.

    curve: bool, default: False
        Boolean to keep fitness values for a curve.
        If :code:`False`, then no curve is stored.
        If :code:`True`, then a history of fitness values is provided as a
        third return value.

    best_state: array
        Numpy array containing state that optimizes fitness function.

    best_fitness: float
        Value of fitness function at best state.

    fitness_curve: array
        Numpy array containing the fitness at every iteration.
        Only returned if input argument :code:`curve` is :code:`True`.
    if (not isinstance(max_attempts, int) and not max_attempts.is_integer()) \
       or (max_attempts < 0):
        raise Exception("""max_attempts must be a positive integer.""")

    if (not isinstance(max_iters, int) and max_iters != np.inf
            and not max_iters.is_integer()) or (max_iters < 0):
        raise Exception("""max_iters must be a positive integer.""")

    if init_state is not None and len(init_state) != problem.get_length():
        raise Exception("""init_state must have same length as problem.""")

    # Set random seed
    if isinstance(random_state, int) and random_state > 0:

    # Initialize problem, time and attempts counter
    if init_state is None:

    if curve:
        fitness_curve = []

    attempts = 0
    iters = 0

    best_fitness = problem.get_maximize()*problem.get_fitness()
    best_state = problem.get_state()

    while (attempts < max_attempts) and (iters < max_iters):
        iters += 1

        # Update weights
        updates = flatten_weights(problem.calculate_updates())

        next_state = problem.update_state(updates)
        next_fitness = problem.eval_fitness(next_state)

        if next_fitness > problem.get_fitness():
            attempts = 0
            attempts += 1

        if next_fitness > problem.get_maximize()*best_fitness:
            best_fitness = problem.get_maximize()*next_fitness
            best_state = next_state

        if curve:


    if curve:
        return best_state, best_fitness, np.asarray(fitness_curve)

    return best_state, best_fitness

class NetworkWeights:
    """Fitness function for neural network weights optimization problem.

    X: array
        Numpy array containing feature dataset with each row representing a
        single observation.

    y: array
        Numpy array containing true values of data labels.
        Length must be same as length of X.

    node_list: list of ints
        Number of nodes in each layer, including the input and output layers.

    activation: callable
        Activation function for each of the hidden layers with the signature
        :code:`activation(x, deriv)`, where setting deriv is a boolean that
        determines whether to return the activation function or its derivative.

    bias: bool, default: True
        Whether a bias term is included in the network.

    is_classifer: bool, default: True
        Whether the network is for classification orregression. Set True for
        classification and False for regression.

    def __init__(self, X, y, node_list, activation, bias=True,
                 is_classifier=True, learning_rate=0.1):

        # Make sure y is an array and not a list
        y = np.array(y)

        # Convert y to 2D if necessary
        if len(np.shape(y)) == 1:
            y = np.reshape(y, [len(y), 1])

        # Verify X and y are the same length
        if not np.shape(X)[0] == np.shape(y)[0]:
            raise Exception("""The length of X and y must be equal.""")

        if len(node_list) < 2:
            raise Exception("""node_list must contain at least 2 elements.""")

        if not np.shape(X)[1] == (node_list[0] - bias):
            raise Exception("""The number of columns in X must equal %d"""
                            % ((node_list[0] - bias),))

        if not np.shape(y)[1] == node_list[-1]:
            raise Exception("""The number of columns in y must equal %d"""
                            % (node_list[-1],))

        if not isinstance(bias, bool):
            raise Exception("""bias must be True or False.""")

        if not isinstance(is_classifier, bool):
            raise Exception("""is_classifier must be True or False.""")

        if learning_rate <= 0:
            raise Exception("""learning_rate must be greater than 0.""")

        self.X = X
        self.y_true = y
        self.node_list = node_list
        self.activation = activation
        self.bias = bias
        self.is_classifier = is_classifier
        self.learning_rate = learning_rate

        # Determine appropriate loss function and output activation function
        if self.is_classifier:
            self.loss = log_loss

            if np.shape(self.y_true)[1] == 1:
                self.output_activation = sigmoid
                self.output_activation = softmax
            self.loss = mean_squared_error
            self.output_activation = identity

        self.inputs_list = []
        self.y_pred = y
        self.weights = []
        self.prob_type = 'continuous'

        nodes = 0
        for i in range(len(node_list) - 1):
            nodes += node_list[i]*node_list[i + 1]

        self.nodes = nodes

    def evaluate(self, state):
        """Evaluate the fitness of a state.

        state: array
            State array for evaluation.

        fitness: float
            Value of fitness function.
        if not len(state) == self.nodes:
            raise Exception("""state must have length %d""" % (self.nodes,))

        self.inputs_list = []
        self.weights = unflatten_weights(state, self.node_list)

        # Add bias column to inputs matrix, if required
        if self.bias:
            ones = np.ones([np.shape(self.X)[0], 1])
            inputs = np.hstack((self.X, ones))

            inputs = self.X

        # Pass data through network
        for i in range(len(self.weights)):
            # Multiple inputs by weights
            outputs =, self.weights[i])

            # Transform outputs to get inputs for next layer (or final preds)
            if i < len(self.weights) - 1:
                inputs = self.activation(outputs)
                self.y_pred = self.output_activation(outputs)

        # Evaluate loss function
        fitness = self.loss(self.y_true, self.y_pred)

        return fitness

    def get_output_activation(self):
        """ Return the activation function for the output layer.

        self.output_activation: callable
            Activation function for the output layer.
        return self.output_activation

    def get_prob_type(self):
        """ Return the problem type.

        self.prob_type: string
            Specifies problem type as 'discrete', 'continuous', 'tsp', or
        return self.prob_type

    def calculate_updates(self):
        """Calculate gradient descent updates.

        updates_list: list
            List of back propagation weight updates.
        delta_list = []
        updates_list = []

        # Work backwards from final layer
        for i in range(len(self.inputs_list)-1, -1, -1):
            # Final layer
            if i == len(self.inputs_list)-1:
                delta = (self.y_pred - self.y_true)
            # Hidden layers
                dot =[-1], np.transpose(self.weights[i+1]))
                activation = self.activation(self.inputs_list[i+1], deriv=True)
                delta = dot * activation


            # Calculate updates
            updates = (-1.0 * self.learning_rate *
             [i]), delta))


        # Reverse order of updates list
        updates_list = updates_list[::-1]

        return updates_list

class BaseNeuralNetwork(six.with_metaclass(ABCMeta, BaseEstimator)):
    """Base class for neural networks.

    Warning: This class should not be used directly.
    Use derived classes instead.

    def __init__(self, hidden_nodes=None,

        if hidden_nodes is None:
            self.hidden_nodes = []
            self.hidden_nodes = hidden_nodes

        self.activation_dict = {'identity': identity,
                                'relu': relu,
                                'sigmoid': sigmoid,
                                'tanh': tanh}
        self.activation = activation
        self.algorithm = algorithm
        self.max_iters = max_iters
        self.bias = bias
        self.is_classifier = is_classifier
        self.learning_rate = learning_rate
        self.early_stopping = early_stopping
        self.clip_max = clip_max
        self.restarts = restarts
        self.schedule = schedule
        self.pop_size = pop_size
        self.mutation_prob = mutation_prob
        self.max_attempts = max_attempts
        self.random_state = random_state
        self.curve = curve

        self.node_list = []
        self.fitted_weights = []
        self.loss = np.inf
        self.output_activation = None
        self.predicted_probs = []
        self.fitness_curve = []

    def _validate(self):
        if (not isinstance(self.max_iters, int) and self.max_iters != np.inf
                and not self.max_iters.is_integer()) or (self.max_iters < 0):
            raise Exception("""max_iters must be a positive integer.""")

        if not isinstance(self.bias, bool):
            raise Exception("""bias must be True or False.""")

        if not isinstance(self.is_classifier, bool):
            raise Exception("""is_classifier must be True or False.""")

        if self.learning_rate <= 0:
            raise Exception("""learning_rate must be greater than 0.""")

        if not isinstance(self.early_stopping, bool):
            raise Exception("""early_stopping must be True or False.""")

        if self.clip_max <= 0:
            raise Exception("""clip_max must be greater than 0.""")

        if (not isinstance(self.max_attempts, int) and not
                self.max_attempts.is_integer()) or (self.max_attempts < 0):
            raise Exception("""max_attempts must be a positive integer.""")

        if self.pop_size < 0:
            raise Exception("""pop_size must be a positive integer.""")
        elif not isinstance(self.pop_size, int):
            if self.pop_size.is_integer():
                self.pop_size = int(self.pop_size)
                raise Exception("""pop_size must be a positive integer.""")

        if (self.mutation_prob < 0) or (self.mutation_prob > 1):
            raise Exception("""mutation_prob must be between 0 and 1.""")

        if self.activation is None or \
           self.activation not in self.activation_dict.keys():
            raise Exception("""Activation function must be one of: 'identity',
                    'relu', 'sigmoid' or 'tanh'.""")

        if self.algorithm not in ['random_hill_climb', 'simulated_annealing',
                                  'genetic_alg', 'gradient_descent']:
            raise Exception("""Algorithm must be one of: 'random_hill_climb',
                    'simulated_annealing', 'genetic_alg',

    def fit(self, X, y=None, init_weights=None):
        """Fit neural network to data.

        X: array
            Numpy array containing feature dataset with each row
            representing a single observation.

        y: array
            Numpy array containing data labels. Length must be same as
            length of X.

        init_state: array, default: None
            Numpy array containing starting weights for algorithm.
            If :code:`None`, then a random state is used.

        # Make sure y is an array and not a list
        y = np.array(y)

        # Convert y to 2D if necessary
        if len(np.shape(y)) == 1:
            y = np.reshape(y, [len(y), 1])

        # Verify X and y are the same length
        if not np.shape(X)[0] == np.shape(y)[0]:
            raise Exception('The length of X and y must be equal.')

        # Determine number of nodes in each layer
        input_nodes = np.shape(X)[1] + self.bias
        output_nodes = np.shape(y)[1]
        node_list = [input_nodes] + self.hidden_nodes + [output_nodes]

        num_nodes = 0

        for i in range(len(node_list) - 1):
            num_nodes += node_list[i]*node_list[i+1]

        if init_weights is not None and len(init_weights) != num_nodes:
            raise Exception("""init_weights must be None or have length %d"""
                            % (num_nodes,))

        # Set random seed
        if isinstance(self.random_state, int) and self.random_state > 0:

        # Initialize optimization problem
        fitness = NetworkWeights(X, y, node_list,
                                 self.bias, self.is_classifier,

        problem = ContinuousOpt(num_nodes, fitness, maximize=False,
                                max_val=self.clip_max, step=self.learning_rate)

        if self.algorithm == 'random_hill_climb':
            fitted_weights = None
            loss = np.inf

            # Can't use restart feature of random_hill_climb function, since
            # want to keep initial weights in the range -1 to 1.
            for _ in range(self.restarts + 1):
                if init_weights is None:
                    init_weights = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, num_nodes)

                if self.curve:
                    current_weights, current_loss, fitness_curve = \
                                          max_attempts=self.max_attempts if
                                          self.early_stopping else
                                          restarts=0, init_state=init_weights,
                    current_weights, current_loss = random_hill_climb(
                        max_attempts=self.max_attempts if self.early_stopping
                        else self.max_iters,
                        restarts=0, init_state=init_weights, curve=self.curve)

                if current_loss < loss:
                    fitted_weights = current_weights
                    loss = current_loss

        elif self.algorithm == 'simulated_annealing':
            if init_weights is None:
                init_weights = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, num_nodes)

            if self.curve:
                fitted_weights, loss, fitness_curve = simulated_annealing(
                    max_attempts=self.max_attempts if self.early_stopping else
                fitted_weights, loss = simulated_annealing(
                    max_attempts=self.max_attempts if self.early_stopping else

        elif self.algorithm == 'genetic_alg':
            if self.curve:
                fitted_weights, loss, fitness_curve = genetic_alg(
                    max_attempts=self.max_attempts if self.early_stopping else
                fitted_weights, loss = genetic_alg(
                    pop_size=self.pop_size, mutation_prob=self.mutation_prob,
                    max_attempts=self.max_attempts if self.early_stopping else

        else:  # Gradient descent case
            if init_weights is None:
                init_weights = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, num_nodes)

            if self.curve:
                fitted_weights, loss, fitness_curve = gradient_descent(
                    max_attempts=self.max_attempts if self.early_stopping else

                fitted_weights, loss = gradient_descent(
                    max_attempts=self.max_attempts if self.early_stopping else

        # Save fitted weights and node list
        self.node_list = node_list
        self.fitted_weights = fitted_weights
        self.loss = loss
        self.output_activation = fitness.get_output_activation()

        if self.curve:
            self.fitness_curve = fitness_curve

        return self

    def predict(self, X):
        """Use model to predict data labels for given feature array.

        X: array
            Numpy array containing feature dataset with each row
            representing a single observation.

        y_pred: array
            Numpy array containing predicted data labels.
        if not np.shape(X)[1] == (self.node_list[0] - self.bias):
            raise Exception("""The number of columns in X must equal %d"""
                            % ((self.node_list[0] - self.bias),))

        weights = unflatten_weights(self.fitted_weights, self.node_list)

        # Add bias column to inputs matrix, if required
        if self.bias:
            ones = np.ones([np.shape(X)[0], 1])
            inputs = np.hstack((X, ones))

            inputs = X

        # Pass data through network
        for i in range(len(weights)):
            # Multiple inputs by weights
            outputs =, weights[i])

            # Transform outputs to get inputs for next layer (or final preds)
            if i < len(weights) - 1:
                inputs = self.activation_dict[self.activation](outputs)
                y_pred = self.output_activation(outputs)

        # For classifier, convert predicted probabilities to 0-1 labels
        if self.is_classifier:
            self.predicted_probs = y_pred

            if self.node_list[-1] == 1:
                y_pred = np.round(y_pred).astype(int)
                zeros = np.zeros_like(y_pred)
                zeros[np.arange(len(y_pred)), np.argmax(y_pred, axis=1)] = 1
                y_pred = zeros.astype(int)

        return y_pred

    def get_params(self, deep=False):
        """Get parameters for this estimator.

        params : dictionary
            Parameter names mapped to their values.
        params = {'hidden_nodes': self.hidden_nodes,
                  'max_iters': self.max_iters,
                  'bias': self.bias,
                  'is_classifier': self.is_classifier,
                  'learning_rate': self.learning_rate,
                  'early_stopping': self.early_stopping,
                  'clip_max': self.clip_max,
                  'restarts': self.restarts,
                  'schedule': self.schedule,
                  'pop_size': self.pop_size,
                  'mutation_prob': self.mutation_prob}

        return params

    def set_params(self, **in_params):
        """Set the parameters of this estimator.

        in_params: dictionary
            Dictionary of parameters to be set and the value to be set to.
        if 'hidden_nodes' in in_params.keys():
            self.hidden_nodes = in_params['hidden_nodes']
        if 'max_iters' in in_params.keys():
            self.max_iters = in_params['max_iters']
        if 'bias' in in_params.keys():
            self.bias = in_params['bias']
        if 'is_classifier' in in_params.keys():
            self.is_classifier = in_params['is_classifier']
        if 'learning_rate' in in_params.keys():
            self.learning_rate = in_params['learning_rate']
        if 'early_stopping' in in_params.keys():
            self.early_stopping = in_params['early_stopping']
        if 'clip_max' in in_params.keys():
            self.clip_max = in_params['clip_max']
        if 'restarts' in in_params.keys():
            self.restarts = in_params['restarts']
        if 'schedule' in in_params.keys():
            self.schedule = in_params['schedule']
        if 'pop_size' in in_params.keys():
            self.pop_size = in_params['pop_size']
        if 'mutation_prob' in in_params.keys():
            self.mutation_prob = in_params['mutation_prob']

[docs]class NeuralNetwork(BaseNeuralNetwork, ClassifierMixin): """Class for defining neural network classifier weights optimization problem. Parameters ---------- hidden_nodes: list of ints List giving the number of nodes in each hidden layer. activation: string, default: 'relu' Activation function for each of the hidden layers. Must be one of: 'identity', 'relu', 'sigmoid' or 'tanh'. algorithm: string, default: 'random_hill_climb' Algorithm used to find optimal network weights. Must be one of:'random_hill_climb', 'simulated_annealing', 'genetic_alg' or 'gradient_descent'. max_iters: int, default: 100 Maximum number of iterations used to fit the weights. bias: bool, default: True Whether to include a bias term. is_classifer: bool, default: True Whether the network is for classification or regression. Set :code:`True` for classification and :code:`False` for regression. learning_rate: float, default: 0.1 Learning rate for gradient descent or step size for randomized optimization algorithms. early_stopping: bool, default: False Whether to terminate algorithm early if the loss is not improving. If :code:`True`, then stop after max_attempts iters with no improvement. clip_max: float, default: 1e+10 Used to limit weights to the range [-1*clip_max, clip_max]. restarts: int, default: 0 Number of random restarts. Only required if :code:`algorithm = 'random_hill_climb'`. schedule: schedule object, default = mlrose.GeomDecay() Schedule used to determine the value of the temperature parameter. Only required if :code:`algorithm = 'simulated_annealing'`. pop_size: int, default: 200 Size of population. Only required if :code:`algorithm = 'genetic_alg'`. mutation_prob: float, default: 0.1 Probability of a mutation at each element of the state vector during reproduction, expressed as a value between 0 and 1. Only required if :code:`algorithm = 'genetic_alg'`. max_attempts: int, default: 10 Maximum number of attempts to find a better state. Only required if :code:`early_stopping = True`. random_state: int, default: None If random_state is a positive integer, random_state is the seed used by np.random.seed(); otherwise, the random seed is not set. curve: bool, default: False If bool is True, fitness_curve containing the fitness at each training iteration is returned. Attributes ---------- fitted_weights: array Numpy array giving the fitted weights when :code:`fit` is performed. loss: float Value of loss function for fitted weights when :code:`fit` is performed. predicted_probs: array Numpy array giving the predicted probabilities for each class when :code:`predict` is performed for multi-class classification data; or the predicted probability for class 1 when :code:`predict` is performed for binary classification data. fitness_curve: array Numpy array giving the fitness at each training iteration. """ def __init__(self, hidden_nodes=None, activation='relu', algorithm='random_hill_climb', max_iters=100, bias=True, is_classifier=True, learning_rate=0.1, early_stopping=False, clip_max=1e+10, restarts=0, schedule=GeomDecay(), pop_size=200, mutation_prob=0.1, max_attempts=10, random_state=None, curve=False): super(NeuralNetwork, self).__init__( hidden_nodes=hidden_nodes, activation=activation, algorithm=algorithm, max_iters=max_iters, bias=bias, is_classifier=is_classifier, learning_rate=learning_rate, early_stopping=early_stopping, clip_max=clip_max, restarts=restarts, schedule=schedule, pop_size=pop_size, mutation_prob=mutation_prob, max_attempts=max_attempts, random_state=random_state, curve=curve)
[docs]class LinearRegression(BaseNeuralNetwork, RegressorMixin): """Class for defining linear regression weights optimization problem. Inherits :code:`fit` and :code:`predict` methods from :code:`NeuralNetwork()` class. Parameters ---------- algorithm: string, default: 'random_hill_climb' Algorithm used to find optimal network weights. Must be one of:'random_hill_climb', 'simulated_annealing', 'genetic_alg' or 'gradient_descent'. max_iters: int, default: 100 Maximum number of iterations used to fit the weights. bias: bool, default: True Whether to include a bias term. learning_rate: float, default: 0.1 Learning rate for gradient descent or step size for randomized optimization algorithms. early_stopping: bool, default: False Whether to terminate algorithm early if the loss is not improving. If :code:`True`, then stop after max_attempts iters with no improvement. clip_max: float, default: 1e+10 Used to limit weights to the range [-1*clip_max, clip_max]. restarts: int, default: 0 Number of random restarts. Only required if :code:`algorithm = 'random_hill_climb'`. schedule: schedule object, default = mlrose.GeomDecay() Schedule used to determine the value of the temperature parameter. Only required if :code:`algorithm = 'simulated_annealing'`. pop_size: int, default: 200 Size of population. Only required if :code:`algorithm = 'genetic_alg'`. mutation_prob: float, default: 0.1 Probability of a mutation at each element of the state vector during reproduction, expressed as a value between 0 and 1. Only required if :code:`algorithm = 'genetic_alg'`. max_attempts: int, default: 10 Maximum number of attempts to find a better state. Only required if :code:`early_stopping = True`. random_state: int, default: None If random_state is a positive integer, random_state is the seed used by np.random.seed(); otherwise, the random seed is not set. curve: bool, default: False If bool is true, curve containing the fitness at each training iteration is returned. Attributes ---------- fitted_weights: array Numpy array giving the fitted weights when :code:`fit` is performed. loss: float Value of loss function for fitted weights when :code:`fit` is performed. fitness_curve: array Numpy array giving the fitness at each training iteration. """ def __init__(self, algorithm='random_hill_climb', max_iters=100, bias=True, learning_rate=0.1, early_stopping=False, clip_max=1e+10, restarts=0, schedule=GeomDecay(), pop_size=200, mutation_prob=0.1, max_attempts=10, random_state=None, curve=False): BaseNeuralNetwork.__init__( self, hidden_nodes=[], activation='identity', algorithm=algorithm, max_iters=max_iters, bias=bias, is_classifier=False, learning_rate=learning_rate, early_stopping=early_stopping, clip_max=clip_max, restarts=restarts, schedule=schedule, pop_size=pop_size, mutation_prob=mutation_prob, max_attempts=max_attempts, random_state=random_state, curve=curve)
[docs]class LogisticRegression(BaseNeuralNetwork, ClassifierMixin): """Class for defining logistic regression weights optimization problem. Inherits :code:`fit` and :code:`predict` methods from :code:`NeuralNetwork()` class. Parameters ---------- algorithm: string, default: 'random_hill_climb' Algorithm used to find optimal network weights. Must be one of:'random_hill_climb', 'simulated_annealing', 'genetic_alg' or 'gradient_descent'. max_iters: int, default: 100 Maximum number of iterations used to fit the weights. bias: bool, default: True Whether to include a bias term. learning_rate: float, default: 0.1 Learning rate for gradient descent or step size for randomized optimization algorithms. early_stopping: bool, default: False Whether to terminate algorithm early if the loss is not improving. If :code:`True`, then stop after max_attempts iters with no improvement. clip_max: float, default: 1e+10 Used to limit weights to the range [-1*clip_max, clip_max]. restarts: int, default: 0 Number of random restarts. Only required if :code:`algorithm = 'random_hill_climb'`. schedule: schedule object, default = mlrose.GeomDecay() Schedule used to determine the value of the temperature parameter. Only required if :code:`algorithm = 'simulated_annealing'`. pop_size: int, default: 200 Size of population. Only required if :code:`algorithm = 'genetic_alg'`. mutation_prob: float, default: 0.1 Probability of a mutation at each element of the state vector during reproduction, expressed as a value between 0 and 1. Only required if :code:`algorithm = 'genetic_alg'`. max_attempts: int, default: 10 Maximum number of attempts to find a better state. Only required if :code:`early_stopping = True`. random_state: int, default: None If random_state is a positive integer, random_state is the seed used by np.random.seed(); otherwise, the random seed is not set. curve: bool, default: False If bool is true, curve containing the fitness at each training iteration is returned. Attributes ---------- fitted_weights: array Numpy array giving the fitted weights when :code:`fit` is performed. loss: float Value of loss function for fitted weights when :code:`fit` is performed. fitness_curve: array Numpy array giving the fitness at each training iteration. """ def __init__(self, algorithm='random_hill_climb', max_iters=100, bias=True, learning_rate=0.1, early_stopping=False, clip_max=1e+10, restarts=0, schedule=GeomDecay(), pop_size=200, mutation_prob=0.1, max_attempts=10, random_state=None, curve=False): BaseNeuralNetwork.__init__( self, hidden_nodes=[], activation='sigmoid', algorithm=algorithm, max_iters=max_iters, bias=bias, is_classifier=True, learning_rate=learning_rate, early_stopping=early_stopping, clip_max=clip_max, restarts=restarts, schedule=schedule, pop_size=pop_size, mutation_prob=mutation_prob, max_attempts=max_attempts, random_state=random_state, curve=curve)